It looks like I have finished collecting seeds for this year. I wont have time to start any more wilds even if I find them. I found seeds for all available seeds except flexuosum which I couldn't find this year. I am still waiting on tovarii and rocopica (eximium/cadenasii x pubscens) to germinate, and the cardenasii I have I expect will turn out to be eximium as most do. Below is a photo of eleven species together, once tovarii germinates I will have Twelve.
Eleven species of Capsicum in one photo
Back row - C. annuum "Tesco yellow"/ C.frutescens "tobasco/
C.baccatum "mini bonnet"/C.pubescens "montafur"/C.praetermissum "cumari pollux"
Middle row - C.chinense "7pot bubblegum"/C. chacoenese "CAP 524"/
C.galapagoense "Long"/C.rhomboideum/C.eximium
Front seedling - C.lanceolatum
My Capsicunm eximuim has been fairly slow and spindly growing. However it does now seem to be getting somewhere with shoots on it nodes, as can be seen below.
Capsicum eximium
Capsicum rhomboideum has been my favourite plant so far. Its so different to other capsium. its leaf shape, colour, and many other attributes. Its leaves and stems almost look like a succulent.
Capsicum rhomboideum
My two Capsicum chacoense varieties are very different which will be a subject for another post.
C. chacoenese "CAP 524"
Capsicum lanceolatum is very slow growing and apparently the peppers are not very nice tasting but its worth trying to grow just for the flowers.
Capsicum lanceolatum
That's all for now just a mini update. Lots more to come as I cut the coral in my marine aquarium back today. photos and an explanation to come.
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