Saturday, 1 October 2016

Chilli pepper update - Indoor growing areas filling up

As the season draws to close my indoor grow areas are filling up. In fact the first grow area I have shown on this blog before, is full. I managed to squeeze in thirty pepper plants.
No more room!

Some of these are plants that produced peppers this year and i would like to keep for next year. They have been cut back in order to fit in as many plants as possible. The others were seeds started too late for peppers this year but should give me a head start on next year. In the last update I did on these plants they had been recently topped. All the topped plants have now got new shoots and leaves appearing at each leaf node. This will help keep the plants more compact as each plant now has multiple growing tips.
Topped peppers

I have also recently potted on the next round of seedlings. I have not yet set up the other area I am going to keep them overwinter, so these are on my windowsill while the temperature is not too cold.
Windowsill plants - Excuse the darkness I forgot take photo this morning and it was dark when I got home from work this evening

That's it for today but there will be further updates soon as I am in the process of trying to collect together some more seeds of wild capsicum varieties. I also have some other species (mostly different solonum sp.) I have collected that are related to peppers and tomatoes. I am not sure how long a season these will need, so I will start some seeds and write up a blog post on them soon. I have lots of seed so if these grow too fast I can always start some again in the spring.

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