Sunday, 18 September 2016

New shrimp aquarium

As the numbers of cherry shrimp in my main planted aquarium are starting to build up.

I thought I would setup, or re-setup a small aquarium for them. They seem to be building up numbers OK in the main aquarium, but I am sure the guppies in there are eating some of the babies.

I am using a small air-powered sponge filter. I only had 100 watt heater, which looks a bit big but will do the job and will just come on for less time. I have gone with a thin layer of black sand for something for the shrimp to pick over, but not so much that it gets dirty. I am only going to put some java moss and a bit of hornwort in there so the plants won't need substrate.
As I will only be growing moss and hornwort I will only need a small light. I have gone with a very small 4 watt USB LED reading light. I will also find a piece of glass for the top of the aquarium because the filter causes fine spray splashing.  I have floated a bit azalea root for some more decor. It will sink in a few days
I used water from the main tank to fill this one. I also had the filter running in another aquarium. Because of this, the filter will already be colonized with bacteria, which will break down the fish (shrimp in this case) waste. This means I should be able to stock the aquarium strait away without the need to wait for maturation. This method is the easiest way to start an aquarium quickly if you have an existing tank I will leave it 48 hours to settle and then add a few shrimp.

 I will post an update with this aquarium once i have some residents settled in

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